1950: 11 Bands From Montana and Sask in Kinsmen Club Event

“The idea for a band competition to be held in Moose Jaw was first broached to the local Chamber of Commerce” stated Percy Ferguson, chairman of the Kinsmen International Band Competition committee, is a special message to Times Herald readers.

“This organization then formed a committee to see what could be done about building such a festival in Moose Jaw and to contact local organizations for their support, financial and otherwise. And Joe Hemming, who was the originator of the idea, was made head of this committee and in the course of his duties he attended a regular meeting of our Kinsmen Club to outline the plans for this musical event and to secure our support.” Mr Ferguson continued.

The rest of the message reads as follows:

It was first considered by the members as a project that deserved our support, and there was some discussion almost guaranteeing the committee against loss up to a nominal amount. However, it was finally decided to look further into the matter with the idea of taking a more active part in the event and to this extent a further meeting was held and the Kinsmen Club decided to take over the event and run it as a club project.

Ald. Hemming was retained as a member of Kinsmen committee which was then set up to operate the project., and has proved to be the most valuable man who could be obtained for such a position. His wealth of experience in band and festival operations has been at our disposal and without his assistance it is doubtful if we could have undertaken a service work of this type. It was decided that if we intended to make this into an annual event we should contact and secure the best possible adjudication for this first band competition. Information from the best Canadian band circles indicated that Dr George Seuffert of New York and his talented wife Leona May Smith were tops in this field. Our whole committee decided that expense would be secondary the consideration in this matter and after some correspondence we were finally rewarded with the news that this pair of artists would come to Moose Jaw for our competition. Both are qualified adjudicators, a factor which will give us the opportunity to run things off smoothly through all the different events.

One of the main attractions which interested us was the playing ability of Leona May Smith, who has been billed all over the United States as the world’s greatest cornet player. She will be an inspiration to the young players in the eleven bands which have entered our competition and will supply all of us with some of the world’s best instrumental work.

We had no idea when we started how many bands we could expect to attend, but the history of the Waterloo, Ontario Band Festival showed that there were only six bands entered in its first festival. We have 11 entries and feel sure that if our date had been been arranged closer to the middle of June we would have had four or five more bands, especially from our neighbours in the north states. We are gratified to have two United States entries, Opheim and Malta. Several other United States bands wrote, wishing us success and stating that they hoped we would be holding this event next year and contact them earlier, as they would be pleased to enter.

We are hoping that we will get a break from the weatherman, but we are prepared to go ahead in any event. There will be plenty of room in the Arena rink for all those wishing to hear the actual competitions in the afternoon of May 17, and we are hoping that we can accommodate all those wishing to see the evening performance which will be held at the Exhibition Grounds commencing at 7:30 pm.

We will be starting at 7:30 to allow all patrons an opportunity to see these bands do their marching and playing, after which the massed bands will play under the baton of Dr. Seuffert. Winning soloists will be heard, and Leona May Smith, accompanied by one of the local bands, will present selections.

We think the people of Moose Jaw and southern Saskatchewan will enjoy a spectacle such as this. If we are correct, then you can expect to see bigger and better Kinsmen International Band Competitions as the years go by. This is the only event of its kind in Western Canada, and we want to make it a big success and keep it going right here in Moose Jaw. Here’s hoping!

$1000 in Cash Prizes

Prizes totalling $1000 in cash plus a grand challenge trophy as scholarships for instrumental soloists will be at stake in the Kinsmen International Band Competition on Saturday.

One of the highlights of the day’s activities, aside from the actual competitions in the afternoon, will be a parade at 11 o’clock in the morning., with all bands taking part. The bands will march from the CPR depot to the corner of Athabasca Street on Main.

The competitions will take place in the Arena rink, starting at 1:30 and a grand tattoo will be held at the Exhibition Grounds in the evening with mass band performances.