1959: Bandsmen Will Have Honor Of ‘Baptizing’ Civic Centre

The first public entertainment (besides one junior hockey game under makeshift conditions) to be staged in Moose Jaw’s new Civic Centre will be two features of the 1959 Kinsmen Band Contest.

The Family Finale is set for Friday, May 22, and the evening extravaganza, Saturday, May 23. Thirteen bands are expected to take part in the Friday night event. These include the Kamloops High School Band from British Columbia, the Medicine Hat City Band from Alberta, the Moose Jaw Junior A Band, the combined bands of Swan River, Manitoba, the marching band of Wolf Point high school, Montana, the fancy drill band of Ray Public School, North Dakota, plus the massed bands of the RCAF from Comox, BC, Penhold, Alta, Moose Jaw, and Saskatoon, Sask, and Portage la Prairie and Gimli, Man.

Marching Routines

Music to be played by these bands includes everything from “Boogie Woogie” to light popular classics. This coupled with some intricate marching routines will contain something of interest to everyone. AJ Tait, director of public relations for the contest, says in a release.

The evening extravaganza Saturday night will be highlighted in the appearance of guest artist Rafael Mendez, trumpet virtuoso and music by the Saskatchewan Dragoons band directed by CR Hill.

Also taking part will be the Regina Lions A Band, celebrating its 15th anniversary this year., and something new - an accordion stage band from the Ray Hunker School of Music in Regina.

Many of us have fond memories of “The Crushed Can” welcoming us upon our arrival to the city. It was a mainstay venue of the festival for decades.