March 3, 2025 - Monday Announcements

  • “Moosic in the Park” is sure to be the perfect opportunity for your students to hear other concert bands. We have one space available, that being Wednesday, May 14 @ 12:00 noon. Email, text, or phone to claim your space. From 10:30-2:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday, we offer a slate of festival performances. To experience a “Lunch & Listen” concert, order your lunch from Deja Vu Cafe, one of our sponsors, and have it delivered to the amphitheatre entrance of Crescent Park for a relaxed, yet educational noon hour. This event is FREE to everyone, both participants and the audience.

  • 50 tickets are available to the 6:30 Monday evening concert , featuring the “Pile of Bones Brass Band”. Text, email, or call to reserve. If you aren’t from Saskatchewan google “pile of bones” - a part of our history.

  • Note that all festival events are FREE. Your family and friends are invited to pop in to hear your groups play, and your students are invited to sit in the audience at any time for a FREE, additional educational experience.

  • We work hard to make sure all important information is available on our website in numerous locations. Still, it’s possible that we overlook a few things. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

  • Please check our schedule for errors and send your corrections, spelling or otherwise, to us ASAP. We take our program directly from the online schedule.