Greg McLean
The Moose Jaw Band and Choral Festival is honoured to be able to remember music educators who have passed, but not before leaving a legacy of making a difference in music education in the province.
Greg grew up on the family farm in Manitoba, graduated from the University of Brandon, and with wife Marcia, raised 3 children while achieving outstanding success with his School Band programs in Esterhazy and Swift Current. In addition to his School Band programs, Greg was a founding member of the Saskatchewan Band Association. He served on the SBA Board of Directors, was a clinician and conductor at SBA Band Camps for over 25 years and provided ongoing mentorship to new band directors.
Greg also conducted the Swift Current Oratorio Choir and directed the Swift Current Jazz Orchestra, an ensemble he established. In 2011-2012, Greg became the Interim Director of Bands at the University of Regina. Greg loved to share his leadership and conducting skills with University Interns, and Honour Band participants in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and even PEI. Over the years he was also a valued adjudicator, guest conductor and clinician at numerous Band Festivals across Canada. Greg lived his passion and pursuit of excellence as a Band Director, encouraging and inspiring Band students of all ages, to play and be their best at all times.